Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A New Mayor, Please

Carole Taylor is right to step away from the run to the Mayor's chair, but it is truly our loss.

If she ran, she would have virtually guaranteed an end to the Nutty Mayor's ugly, divisive and do-nothing reign.

Now, we must hope and pray that SOMEONE will emerge as Contendah.

Sullivan is surrounded by Federal Conservative Party hacks who devote most of their tax-payer time to re-electing this sham and disaster. He also has a coterie of blind loyalists who worship his every utterance.

Yesterday's shameful front-page Cinderella story of his "romantic wedding proposal in Venice," no less, was so transparently a PR ploy that all one could do was gasp at the callousness.

Cope and Vision have played themselves out of the sandbox.

It will take someone new with a new bank account to wrest the chair away from this public menace.


Anonymous said...

The public needs to learn that this is an unscrupulous, dangerous man. Learning Cantonese and Punjabi to "suck up" to these folks who have brought their friends: drug dealers, gang bangers & illegal immigrants--very interesting move. Holding secret fundraising events with the money only for His Silliness and not the NPA--hardly one who can be trusted. Developing programs that are absurd: CART. Giving in to the developers: ECODENSITY. Tsh. It is enough to make one want to leave town until 2011.

Anonymous said...

At this point in time, I would like to announce I will not be running for Mayor of Nofuncouver, despite the free parking.
Respectfully yours, Anonamoose

Robert W. said...

I doubt it'll happen though, David. Oh well, at least I'll have much more free time in & around that election. For if the only choices are Sullivan and a COPE/Vision candidate then I won't be voting. Sad but true.

David Berner said...

Not running for Mayor?

Me 2...

MurdocK said...

sounds like it has become a contest to see whom can run AWAY from the mayors office fastest.

Given that the current incumbent has reduced foot speed, he is likely to loose the race away and actually retain the office.

Why run AWAY?

Who wants to have the Olympic debacle land on their reputation when there are so many other things to do, like laundry...the dishes...writing to your relatives in Saskatoon...