Friday, January 11, 2008

Salmon Janet Evening

I strolled along Robson St. Today, past the Art Gallery, one of our few period architectural treasures. I gazed on the former skating rink, where the Premier plans to put his giant clam shell.

No doubt, when Premier Clambell produced this pearl of an idea, he was eating shellfish in a restaurant and it suddenly popped out, to the rapturous applause of his ever-applauding, 30 something entourage. One of them perhaps wiped the oyster drool from his chin and put the napkin on Ebay.

But Robson St. is no place for the Clambell shell. It's like hanging furry dice from the mirror of a Bentley.

It's a dumb bell idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gordon Campbell is becoming more like Muammar Qadaffi every day.