Thursday, March 6, 2008

From Walter Evans

ITN - Tuesday, March 4 05:08 pm
Padded lampposts are being trialled in a London street to protect inattentive pedestrians.

A pilot scheme has been launched in Brick Lane after it was found to have the highest number of 'walking and texting' injuries in the country.

A study carried out by 118 118 found one in ten people has hurt themselves while focused on their mobile phone screen.

The charity Living Streets is so concerned that it has teamed up with the directory enquiries service to test a scheme to wrap up the nation's lampposts.

A poll will be carried out on Brick Lane to gauge the response of locals.

If successful, the concept will be rolled out in Birmingham, Manchester, and Liverpool.


Anonymous said...

The dog and I were almost run down in a crosswalk recently by an idiot who was texting while he drove.
I must be getting real old because people are sure getting real stupid nowadays. I mean, padded poles 'cause they walk into them?

Anonymous said...

While out surfing the net, I came across a phrase here that describes this (and so many other things): problem-shifting.

He was referring to Chicago proposing to ban small zip-lock baggies because they are used by drug dealers to sell cocaine and heroin. Then they can prosecute grocery stores.

He also referred to MacDonald's being prosecuted for teenage littering in Oakland.

I think we can do so much better than that with problem-shifting and blame-shifting here in Vancouver. I'm going to start to compile a list.