Monday, April 21, 2008

Farm Workers Have Long Been Abandoned

Farm workers can get in line behind children, the elderly, addicts and the homeless when it comes to attention and cocern in this province.

This is a Power Province and our Premier has his own addiction - power. he is interested in powerful men, men who make the earth move with ther money. Builders and buyers.

Immigrant, elderly, women farm workers, up at 4, at work at 6, 17 to a rickety van with no seat belts, this is supposed to be os some interest to Mr. Raise-a-Reader, Mr. Children's Hospital Foundation?

Where is the foto-op?

In the Vaisakhi Parade, he can play Mr. Dress Up.

But for the farm workers, he would actually have to enact legislation that protects these poor souls and then spend public money on inspectors that police the laws.

Remember that 3 days after the highway "accident" (waiting to happen) last year, the same farm was sheparding the same workers in the same dangerous way into crowded vans.

Nothing changes when nobody cares.

And nobody cares when political advantage is the sole motivator.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's too bad that the companies that buy from these growers don't show some leadership in this.
As long as they buy from people who treat their workers like slaves nothing will improve for these farm workers(I use the word worker loosely- most people in the workforce have some protection on the job.)
Consumers can't even get information on where the food comes from.
Try asking grocers where they get their produce. Blank stares.