Thursday, April 17, 2008

Give it Up

Not one of the people on the BC Ferry's board, all of whom voted themselves exorbitant pay raises, is skinny.

They are all managing quite well, thank you very much and they need another $50,000 and $1,500 per meeting like I need more polka music.

Jimmy Pattison is the role model here.

He ran Expo 86 day in and day out, counting which food stands did better and picking up candy wrappers, for $1. That's right, one dollar.

The already sufficiently comfortable heads of corporations who sit on public boards like the BC Ferry Corpulence should VOLUNTEER THEIR TIME.

End of story.


Anonymous said...

VOLUNTEER?!? And not get paid?!?

Not in BC....maybe in Happy Funtime Gumdrop Land!

David in North Burnaby BC said...

Any concept of 'public service' seems to have disappeared in a culture of me first and only.
Pattison a role model? I suspect a drop of truth serum would produce a verdict of "sucker" from any of the esteemed BC Ferries board.

Anonymous said...

The only reason these guys are getting board positions is to milk the taxpayers for a cushy life for themselves and their families - period. And to provide the Maui DUI a soft landing when he is finally kicked out of office. One has to wonder if their is any honor left in politics and particularly the present so-called 'Liberal' government.

Anonymous said...

Valerie McLean of that police organization (formerly the voice of the Better Business Bureau) said to me on day on the phone " I believe the current group in power are all liars and thieves."
Carole Taylor got even with the Control Master today by announcing that all heads and executives of Crown Corporations and Ministries would have to make public their salaries next year. Watch certain persons to run for cover.

nachtwache said...

For the first time in my life I'm tempted to vote NDP, which I never thought I'd even consider. We have no choices! Keep speaking the truth!