Wednesday, April 30, 2008

More Justice Atrocities

Raymond Irwin killed his mother 4 years ago. It was a particularly brutal murder.

He was found not guilty by reason of insanity.

He is in Riverview.

But not always.

He has been granted unescorted passes.



Anonymous said...

Because Mr. Irwin resides in a Nanny State. He MUST be bathed and clothed, swaddled and nurtured, and have his every "need" tended to. Mr. Irwin has the late, not so great, Mr. Trudeau and his ilk to thank, although I am certain that Mr. Irwin is a person that takes, not gives. Fortunately for Mr. Irwin, Mr. Opal, Mr.Dosange, Mr. Layton, and Ms. Heddy Fry, and Ms. Libby Davies will fight to the bitter end to protect Mr. Irwin's "Rights".

David in North Burnaby BC said...

"He has been granted unescorted passes.

Perhaps because the system is more insane than the inmates?