Sunday, April 27, 2008

Must Read Analysis by Macleans magazine on Israel

Why Israel can't survive

Sixty years on, the country is facing a choice of two futures: it can be Jewish or democratic -but not both

MICHAEL PETROU | April 23, 2008 |

Thanks to my good friend Bill who pointed out this very rich and detailed analysis on the future of Israel.

It is lengthy, but an important and exellent read.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My father was with the RAF military police in Palestine before the birth of the State of Israel. He left his room in the King David hotel two hours before the hotel was blown up.
He was also captured by one of the two Jewish gangs that were fighting for independence. The Haganah, I believe, but lucky for my father, he had Jewish friends and was released.
What if Israel were to become an American state?