Thursday, May 1, 2008

Fire Ms. Dyck, Please, before we get hurt. She is a clear and present danger

The Federal Court has had to intervene to keep the Salvadoran self-confessed killer in jail.

How much did this cost the Canadian public in lawyers' billing fees?

How much of this cost will be charged to Daphne Shaw Dyck, the Immigration & Refugee Board member, who decided to let this man out on the street?

Why does this woman still have her job?

Is anyone ever responsible in Canadian society for anything they do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Is anyone ever responsible in Canadian society for anything they do"? No not anymore. At one time yes, but that was before our Politicians and Judges and Teachers that were raised in the Liberal 60's came along. Now we are reaping the fallout.
Like no one saw this coming.