I love headlines like, "Dion ready to sell his Carbon Tax to the West."
Don't even have to read the item.
Tells you all you need to know.
A year or two and you'll never hear of this fool again.
As Janis Joplin would say, "Bye, bye, baby, bye bye..."
Posted by
David Berner
9:22 AM
Wise bard, you know much more about Shakespeare than I. I wonder if there's an appropriate play in which Dion, Ignatieff, and Rae would be well suited?
I have to believe that the latter two fellows very well know that Monsieur Dion is committing political suicide and are feeding him as much as the noose as he'd like.
Could be "Othello," with Iggy and Rae alternating nights as Iago.
Alberta will say bye bye to Canada if Stephane gets elected.
At the risk of getting charged by the BCHRT, what about if Michael I. and Bob R. were Siamese twins and collectively went by the name of "BobMikeGo" ?!? :-)
I think there's a plot line awaiting for Bard on the Beach next summer.
I was frankly amazed that the Liberal convention selected him.
I suspect that he is like the player chosen from 'on ice' when the coach or the goalie are given a penalty. Since the fiberals are definately in the electoral penalty box...
The Progressive Conservatives had their Joe Clark and Kim Campbell moments, now the federal Liberals are "enjoying" their own.
P.S. I wonder if history will show that the provincial NDP had their Carole James moment to?!?
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