Saturday, July 19, 2008

Parole Board is Unbelievable

These idiots have struck again.

Will no one stop them?

A guy enticed hundreds of young girls on the internet to have sex with him. He managed to get at least two to comply.

He was sentenced to nine years.

Against the advice of his case management team, the irresponsible crew of misfits in the Parole Board has released him after less than one year in prison.

They say he has shown insight and understanding about his crime.

Hahahahahahahaha...I'm crying already.

The man is not allowed access to the internet while on parole.

Hahahahahahaha...I'm crying again.

The internet is like ants, locusts, cockroaches and mice. There are more of them than there are human creatures.

The internet is EVERYWHERE. You can't escape it.

How are these geniuses planning to patrol this injunction?

PLease, please, please ask Stephen Harper to totally revise the National Parole Board. It is a bigger danger to the community than drug cartels.

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