Sunday, January 18, 2009


"We have to do everything we can to secure jobs for people,"

From this moment on (he sang), whenever you want to find the meaning of "politcal spin," you will find this as the prime example.

"This" is Premier Gordon Campbell explaining the late night weekend "emergency" vote that will allow the City of Vancouver to move to Debtor's Prison.

"secure jobs for people.."

The man's cynicism about the intelligence of the citizenry is breathtaking.

This is about the Olympics, it's about covering ass, it's about good and bad deals, and mostly it's about using this moment in tiny-minded local history to change the rules permanently to allow god-knows-what financial collusions in the future.

As for the current project, now running at $1.1 Billion and counting, the Village was first touted as foolproof. To be foolproof you'd have to start without fools. Ooops...

The risk to city taxpayers? None. Or so they were promised three years ago, when City of Vancouver staff announced details of the Olympic Village plan.

Excllent work, folks.

As for the Weekend Prom at the Legislature, all that was missing was bears and a ferris wheel.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, we probably don't need an Olympic to boost our economy. I wonder if it hinders our quality of life here in the city since money are wasted down the drain for this project. The transparency of Canadian governments is just laughable compared to those Scandinavian countries.Yet we pay as much as they do. We are not happy taxpayers. I think citizens must demand a more caring and less bureaucratic, lying government.
Or perhaps our government is just another corporation, one just bigger and have legal bidding power


Anonymous said...

They actually had a ferret(member of the weasel family) wheel.

Anonymous said...

More evidence that we don't live in a democracy. At least in the bad old USA, the taxpayer has an inalienable right to vote on monetary or tax measures. Here, in the best place on earth is "put up and shut the hell up". The elite ruling class will squander billions to have a little fun and the peons, just pay your taxes.

This province can not go on like this much longer and if there is no change, watch out.

Anonymous said...

The Premier certainly was not singing the "secure jobs for the people" tune when his government introduced Bill 29 (which contracted out fair paying jobs to the private sector so that a hospital housekeeper making $18 per hour can take a job at $11.00 per hour).

He also wasn't sining this tune when his government introduced Bill 37 which slashed healthcare wages by 14% (I was directly affected by this legislation).

So much for securing jobs for the people.

Gordon Campbell and his government are a shameless bunch of opportunists who care nothing about working people.

Linda Yuill

Anonymous said...

Soldier (Fred Smith): He was from my village. He was the village idiot.
Boris (Woody Allen): Yeah, what did you do place?

The memorable quote from Woody Allen's Love and Death (1975) seems apropo. All that needs to be determined is who's the village idiot 'n' who placed or accurately, who are the village idiots, and who 'n' how many placed?