Thursday, January 8, 2009

Re-Writing History - Local Edition

Frances Bula has written two very good pieces on the Olympic Village story in this morning's Globe.

One is called "Sun will shine on athletes village, builder says"

The other is "Out of Mud, Olympic Village a showcase of ecology."

The second piece is a tour through the sludge and rain to view first-hand the building progress and it's good clean messy fun.

But the first article is the one with all the real juice.

First we get the Millenium GM chronicling the entire list of hardships and challenges that he has heroically overcome. Hahahaha...It's a riot.

Then, moving on to the thorny issue of What Idiot Signed Off on this Deal, we get one mayor after another disclaiming any part of the guarantees that the City has apparently provided in case of problems.

Why hasn't CBC TV, which specializes these days in sophomoronic humor signed up Owen, Campbell and Sullivan (An Act Funnier than it's Name!!! Tonight at 8!!!) to do a song and dance number called, "I Didn't Do it, Do it, Do it, I Swear."

The photo, by the way, is of the Salt Building (1930), which has been preserved and upgraded and will become a restaurant and pub in the Mark James Group after the Olympics.

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