Sunday, April 5, 2009


Gordon Campbell. Partick Kinsella. David McLean.

There are more, of course, but that's enough to draw the basic outline.

Campbell is the Premier of the Province of British Columbia. He will, in all likelihood still be the Premier on the morning of May 13th.

He's the Premier who swore in a previous election campaign that BC Rail was not for sale and never would be.

Never turned out to be about 6 months.

Kinsella is a little bit of everything.

Political wizard, running successful campaigns for all manner of would-bes, including...wait for it..Gordon Campbell.

Kinsella also has worked as a communications consultant ("But I am not a lobbyist!") for BC Rail and CN Rail. Hm...

McLean is the CN Chairman and major fundraiser know...Gordon Campbell.

Now, there's also Martyn Brown to consider, but that would make our neat triangle a box or a rhomboid or a moibus strip or something curving ever deeper in on itself until it finds its own entrails as delicious desert.

Brown is the Premier's chief of staff, who after he stopped having daily social intercourse with Kinsella during an election campaign, was having regular conversations with Kinsella about guessed it...CN Rail.


Which raises the other question: Why will this administration, which should be spending the next several months testifying in court but will not, win yet another election?

Because, as morally bankrupt as this group of shady wheeler-dealers is, they will continue to be perceived - and regrettably with some justification - as more "capable" than Carole James and the NDP.

Regrettably, because we urgently need a new fresh gang of cutthroats at the helm to plunder and pillage us.

With some justification, because as much as I am historically an NDP voter, James and her party have yet to show the necessary royal jelly.

So, like thousands of you, I am stuck at another voting booth between a rock and a hard place.

Of course, I have already made my decision.

I will vote NDP.

The current Triangle should move to Bermuda.


Anonymous said...

The shadow of Glen Clark still haunts the NDP. The perception is the NDP represents union members and only union members. Carole James has attempted to move the party away from that perception but the public is not buying it and that is the puzzle - how can the NDP change their policy decisions to make BC`ers accept them as a party of the people for the people. Preaching to the converted is not going to do it.(much like Harper asking rural voters to accept his gun law proposals). The people will gladly vote in the NDP as the lesser of two evils but the party must distance themselves from the past. Every time I hear Ian Sinclair on the radio I cringe.

Dave C. said...


We have voted NDP for years in MB and we certainly wouldn't consider switching now that we've witnessed the Campbell "Liberals" in action.

But I have to admit, the Libs are masters of the PR game out here. That used to be known as the BS game everywhere else, but once you buy into the mantra that this is the "Best Place on Earth", it seems treasonous to complain.

I take solace in knowing that power does corrupt and even cake and circuses eventually wear thin.



Anonymous said...

Luckily, living in South Delta, we have a viable third candidate in Vickie Huntington and with recent polls, she might win.

David, watch the Susan Heyes lawsuit, there are a couple of big bombshells there, some more damaging to the Liberals than the BC Railgate scam case!

Stay tuned!

RossK said...


And the magic of the moment of a win by Ms. Huntington would be the defeat of Mr. Oppal.

Quite a price to pay for doing the heavy lifting it takes to be a major-league quisling/stone mason I reckon.

Great post Mr. B.

Get's right to the heart of the matter....


Bob Broughton said...

I agree that it would be great for Ms. Huntington to win South Delta.

However, I see that the NDP has a candidate named Dileep Athaide.

Sounds to me like this talk from the NDP about "vote splitting" doesn't apply when they nominate spoiler candidates.