Friday, January 15, 2010

Mystery Challenge of the Day

"We need to need to find out exactly what led to this child ingesting methadone."

One would laugh at this idiocy if it weren't so pathetic and tragic.

A 23-month old girl has died in a Nova Scotia hospital about a week after swallowing the synthetic narcotic methadone in her rural New Brunswick home.

Methadone is the deadly six-times-more-addictive-than-heroin drug used and misused and abused by doctors and pharmacists and city councils and ultimately heroin addicts.

These mistaken sorry folks believe, as children believe in Santa, that using methadone will somehow improve the life of a heroin addict.


I'm laughing and crying.

I've been laughing and crying at this monstrosity of perverted public thinking for 40 years now.

So how did that poor innocent child get hold of the poison that killed her?

I'll tell you how.

Her mother or father or more likely grandparent or court-assigned guardian is a heroin user/abuser.

The child's primary care giver is a dope fiend.

Calling people dope fiends these days is considered disrespectful.

Forget that that is what dope fiends call themselves and forget that dope fiends respect no one, least of all themselves, let alone, god protect them, their helpless children.

So the child's dope fiend primary care giver has whined and kvetched to his or her "case worker" that he or she can't quit using and abusing.

No prob.

We just happen to have handy this nifty supply of government sanctioned dope substitute.

We call it methadone.

(Psst...Secretly we believe that if these idiot users will just swallow this other drub, then they'll stop breaking into our homes and cars and stealing all our good stuff, like our blue tooth and blue ray and blue balls.)

(Of course, that really works.

'Cause the numbers of dope fiends breaking into our homes and cars has really bottomed out...NOT!)

The only thing is we're supposed to give out the methadone at a clinic or hospital or even at the local pharmacy, but sometimes the timing is not convenient, eh, or we're closed on the weekend, right, so like we just have to trust our dope fiend customers that they'll be like responsible with this shit when they take it home, ok?


Like that's going to happen.

Mystery solved.

Everyone in the chain is to blame.

The local government and provincial government and federal government who have sanctioned this horror show are to blame.

The doctors, nurse and pharmacists who play with this dynamite are to blame.

The addict is to blame.

The addict is a stoned junkie.

What's everyone else's excuse?

Who gets charged with murder?

1 comment:

Gerry Verrier said...

This is not the first child to die from ingesting methadone. There was a child who died from methadone poisoning in Saskatchewan a number of years ago. Same deal. The methadone clinic in Regina had decided, against program policy at the time, to dispense one weeks worth of methadone doses to an addict and he would take his six pack of cute little methadone bottles home.

Aside from the death of the child, what was truly appalling was that this addict lived in a small community some distance from Regina and the provincial gov't paid for his cab fare to and from the clinic every week. The cost to the taxpayer was $200.00 per week for the cab fare.

This info was relayed by a relative of the child at an addictions conference where Stanton Peele was the main attraction. The room was full of harm seductionists who for the life of them, had no idea what to say to this man who was still distraught over the loss of this child.

I'd be very curious to know exactly how many innocent people die from intentionally and accidentally ingesting methadone. I'm willing to bet the numbers are staggering.