Saturday, February 5, 2011


There are so many reasons that I have declined, over the years, to run for public office.

Privacy. Boring company. Tedious meetings, hearings.

But way up there at the top of the list is this reason:

Ethnic Voting.

I am interested in public policy, in what useful and helpful roles governments might have in the lives of the common weal.

The color of your skin, your choice of worship, your sexuality are completely none of my business and I don't want to hear about it, thanks.

If I were to run for office, I would not suddenly court "the Jewish vote." Or any other group that wants to claim special status to the exclusion of any other group that claims special status.

Of course, this naive and unrealistic position would guarantee that I would never be elected.

Today's headline is a disgusting case in point:

South Asian votes key to leadership races

Liberal and NDP candidates are aggressively pursuing support from a community that will play a major role in many of the province's ridings, with varying degrees of success

I know. You don't have to yell at me.

Fighting this insidious nonsense is about as productive as complaining about cell phones and texting.

It is simply not in my range of acceptability that you or I should vote for Avtar or Bennie or Bruce because he or she is Sikh or Jewish or gay or purple or green.

But I am not very bright and that is why it's a good thing that I don't run alongside all the honorable candidates.


Jeff Taylor said...

Not running, makes you very bright ! The fact that you are willing to "play" the game, makes you very bright. As I watch and read various articles about both the NDP & Liberal candidates, two words seem to be popping up in my mind every time now - political whores. For the very first time since I've been able to vote, I have a sad feeling that I won't bother this time. At the age of 46, I think I'm throwing in the towel on this whole idea of elections. I just can't bring myself to vote NDP, mainly because of their position on unions and their constant attempts on trying to "social engineer" everyone and everything, NOR can I bring myself to vote Liberal because I don't trust them anymore. This is a sad political time for me these days.

Anonymous said...

Very much at Jeff's position myself.

No one that i can cast my vote for i.e. NO ONE IS REPRESENTING MY VIEWS

Political whores the lot of them.

Leah said...

Yeah, it's rough when the two major parties prostrate themselves for their masters...

the NDP whore themselves for unions of average working people...

the Libs whore themselves for big corporate backers willing to dump millions into their purse...

what's the difference? The amount of money paid - and how much is expected in return. Other than that, there is no difference at all.

Anonymous said...

The fact that ethnic votes make the difference is the fault of this idiotic multicultural debacle.
Multicultural has failed miserably all over the globe and until we fix the Charter we will see ethnics control every level of gov.