Tuesday, February 28, 2012


RoadKill Radio 1 Nov 2011: David Berner re Insite from RoadKill Radio on Vimeo.


Jeff Taylor said...

As I hope you know David, I fully agree with your stance on addiction as well as your methods.I also want to say that what you had to say in this interview and how you worded it, was easily one of your best. HOWEVER, I have very deep concerns when you hitch your wagon to the likes of Kari Simpson. I want to make it crystal clear that I completely support free speech. I think a country allowing free and open speech is a wonderful thing AND a very necessary thing. But, I don't and can never support hate speech. Kari Simpson - quote: “those who suffer from homosexuality and other dysfunctional sexual orientations.”
A google search of Kari Simpson is a good first start in understanding her values and views as they pertain to certain people living in our society. As much as I agree with Ms. Simpson's views on topics such as big Govt, I equally or more so disagree with her views on people that deserve to live their lives as all other people are.

David Berner said...

Your comment on Kari is interesting and I appreciate it.

I looked at her CULTURE GUARD website and found myself a bit puzzled by it. I called Kari this morning and we had a long chat. I also booked her on my SHAW TV SHOW for the week of April 2nd.

I am wondering where exactly did your quote ("homosexuality and other dysfunctional sexual orientations.”) come from.

Jeff Taylor said...

Hi David,
first, thanks for allowing my comments to your blog "Road Kill Radio" to be posted. Secondly, thanks for your response to my comments. If you go to google and type in Kari Simpson Vancouver, you will have more than enough items to read up on Ms. Simpson's views and various thoughts and beliefs on the human condition. The Quote I included in my comments to your blog, were once on her website and in turn quoted by several media outlets around the Lower Mainland. Once again, (not to suck up) I thought you spoke perfectly in getting your views and points across regarding the addiction mess we find ourselves in through-out Vancouver and indeed all of BC and beyond.

David Berner said...

Oh, trust me, Jeff - sucking up is vigorously encouraged.

Jeff Taylor said...

I'm very much looking forward to your interview. My internet and TV service is through Telus so I can't watch it live, but I always watch your interviews via your blog.