Saturday, March 31, 2007

Bush's Private Army

This morning, on Page C8, The Vancouver Sun's Jeff Lee reviewed a new book called "BLACKWATER: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army.

You can not only read all about this startling new book here, but you can watch the video of the author describing what should obviously be a front page story, one that is shouted from the rooftops.

While Larry and Anderson are droning on about Anna Nicole, the American government, thanks to initiatives by Rumsfeld and Cheney in 2000, is employing a private army in Iraq and New Orleans (!?!).

"So what?" you say.

This is what: This army, run entirely by a frothing-at-the-mouth right-wing Christian fundamentalist, is unanswerable. In what claims to be the world's largest democracy, a Praetorian guard, under private contract, is fighting and killing with no need to explain itself to Congress, the American people or the world.

You can also go directly to the Blackwater website here.

If you have ever had any doubts about the illegitimacy of the American presence in Iraq, this should pretty well throw you over the barbed wire fence with a big thud.
Try also this website for further examination of this nightmare.


Robert W. said...

I've seen a documentary about the private military services operating in Iraq and elsewhere. There are definitely pros and cons.

I think your right-wing Christian fundamentalist slant is over the top.


David Berner said...

I appreciate your thoughts as always, Robert.

But i don't think my right-wing, etc. slant is "over the top," at all. Read the materials in the hyperlinks or google the subject. That is exactly who the founder and leader of Blackwater is. He is certainly not a left-wing, humanist libertarian. Cheers!

Robert W. said...

In re-reading that sentence, I now see that you're referring to just one guy. Earlier, I thought you had implied that the private military, in its entirety, was a right-wing Christian Fundamentalist army.

While I deeply believe that there is a huge threat to the West posed by fanatical Islam, I appreciate that not every effort to stop it is necessarily kosher.