Monday, April 16, 2007

Art Smart

Art update.

The Vancouver Art Gallery has removed the insects and reptiles from one of its current exhibits. The SPCA says it is satisfied. But the chief curator of the gallery says this amounts "to silencing the artist's voice."


Silencing the artist's voice is censoring James Joyce and Henry Miller.

Installations and videos in art galleries are among the world's greatest scams, shams, skunks and con jobs. The fact that curators around the world have fallen for this self-indulgent, artless, lazy nonsense is hysterical.

No doubt the next exhibit, "Dog Poo Revisited, #13," will be a major hit.


pEDRO said...

... keep having art updates good, bad, ugly, but keep having them mr. B.......... bless you!!

Anonymous said...


Very interesting article in the Washington Post involving Joshua Bell. Can we see beauty? Can we hear brilliance?
