Saturday, April 21, 2007

Who Protesteth Too Much?

The Conservative government is angry at two BC lobby groups for their aggresive tactics.

Cry me a river.

Autism and fishing rights have now been bonded.

What did you expect when you got elected? That everyone would love you to pieces just all the time wearing daffodils in their hair and blowing kisses?

1 comment:

Robert W. said...

Monsieur David,

Politicians and talkshow hosts and bloggers have to expect a certain number of people who disagree with them. It's par for the course.

However, don't you think that Canadians, in general, have become a bunch of whiners? More often than not, when people don't get some perceived entitlement or their way on something, they protest.

And, much like violence has increased on TV and the movies, the days of complaining in a civil manner seem to have become a thing of the past.

When people have a grievance about something I often think how people brand new to Canada from an impoverished nation must look at them. The notion that those of us in the 1st World are mostly a bunch of pampered, spoiled brats rings true more often than not it seems.
