Saturday, October 13, 2007

Campbell/Coleman Housing Scam

Rich Colman is well named.

Only someone named Rich could announce with pride that some millions of dollars have been allotted to keep homeless shelters open 24/7. Only someone who completely doesn't understand the issue could talk this way and do these things.

Rich, by the way, is Gordon Campbell's Minister of Forests AND housing. ??????

The best reaction comes from comes a Carnegie worker: "A 24-hour shelter is a commitment to homelessness." And others have pointed out that there is no announcement about new social housing.

Clearly Campbell and Coleman are DELUSIONAL. Listen:

"There is not a jurisdiction in Canada as advanced on housing as we are in BC."

Is he joining Mildew every day for a toke?

MIro Cernetig rightly points out in his column that this sham announcement if, of course, all about 2010. But even a good writer like Cernetig doesn't understand the landscape. He reports "Outreach workers will be installed in the shelters to guide people to social housing, psychiatric care and drug counselling..."


If it doesn't exist, for what do we need guides?

I stick to my new Credo: All Official Stories are Lies.


Anonymous said...


Rich, by the way, is Gordon Campbell's Minister of Forests AND housing". ?????? Tree houses all round?

MurdocK said...

no all 'official' announcements are statistics...