Friday, December 28, 2007


The Liberal government in Victoria is quick to remind us daily of how lucky we are to live in such glorious fortunate time. The economy is booming. Everybody is working. Projects are steaming ahead.


Then, why, we are emboldened to ask, are the paramedics - those would be the highly skilled workers who run ambulances and grab you when you stop breathing and get your sorry tax-paying ass to the nearest Emergency ward overcrowded with junkies - why are these essential workers operating out of tin trailers in Port Moody?

Tin trailers, from which they are about to be evicted, no less.

We couldn't rent these people a permanent home office?

Read the whole dreadful story from this morning's Province here.

Then email your Minister of Health.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But David, haven't you heard? BC is the best place on earth you silly fool. Brown water, poor transit system. It is all ok because we live in the best place on earth. That reminds me, I have been meaning to send a letter thanking him for spending millions of dollars on those BRILLIANT ads.