Thursday, December 20, 2007

Even "Old" Progress Bothers the BCTF

It is taken until December 2007, for Alberta and BC to agree that teachers from one province can work in the other.

You would have thought that this kind of housekeeping in a so-called nation would have been taken care of 80 or so years ago.

Yet, the BC Teachers' federation is still kvetching, "Oh, this will lower standards."

As if standards could get much lower.


Anonymous said...

no kidding. my student-teachers learn more about 'social justice' than they do about classroom management or teaching strategies or curriculums. the dean's of education are in bed with the bctf's social engineers and our system is suffering as a result.

Robert W. said...

This is clearly a "Glass half empty vs. Glass half full" situation. Rather than the BCTF welcoming the opportunity for their members to seek countless new employment opportunities, instead they've circled the wagons, demanding that no one dare increase the supply of available teachers ... if said teachers aren't paying dues to the BCTF.

It's sick, sick, sick!!!