Thursday, December 20, 2007

Mazel Tov! Tanti Auguri!

Congratulations are in order to 2 very different groups:

1. The Anglican and United Churches deserve recognition for their bold and thoughtful message to the provincial government that real markers must be set on environmental damage. They have called for a carbon tax that might help industry cut back on its regular spew.

I think this is a responsible and useful and important role for the church. More!

2. The Sun's week long coverage of the madness of alcoholism has been excellent, and today it's telling of the Alcoholics Anonymous story is first-rate.

May all the misbegotten pseudo-scientists, Svengalis, doctors and politicians looking for a silver bullet read this and recognize the achievement of this extraordinary social asset that continues to operate quietly in out midst and turn millions of clean and sober human beings back to real life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Anglican and United Churches have given me good reason to be an Atheist. They should stick to religion, not politics.