Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Justice Shrouded Again in Cloaks & Daggers

The judiciary, never too misguided for most reasonable citizens, has hit a new low.

The public, the media and the accused were all held OUT of a closed hearing yesterday in the Basi/Virk affair.

If ever a case needed some clean, clear backyard airing this would be it.

Instead, with taste and timing so exquisitely perfect, Justice Elizabeth Bennett has shrouded this fiasco in even more secrecy.

No doubt there are clever legalistic rationales for all of this.

But none can make up for the immense residue of mistrust by the endless delays and obfuscations in a case that is rare, confusing and central to the good governance of the Province.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks as if Organized Crime may be involved. Someone broke into your friend Bill Teilman's office over the weekend. Actually, these yuks tried to break thru Bill's door, couldn't, so they broke into the office next door, crushed out the ceiling tiles, crawled into Bill's office, and left a message on his desk. Heard him describe all this on that bizarre station, CKNW. Actually Mike Smith is doing a super job, way better than that fat man who should retire.Cheers.