Saturday, December 1, 2007

Numbering Our Ills, Part II

It's all a numbers game.


First, there is the argument, raging in some circles, about whether the number of people with HIV/AIDS is 33 Million or 40 Million.

No doubt that will be important to the 7 Million human beings who may be unaccounted for.

But for the rest of us, this disaster remains an overwhelming shame and heartache.

Ignorance and selfishness hold the day.

In thousands of African villages, women have a "Sophie's Choice." Either take a beating or take a rape from an undoubtedly infected man.

Like the snail and the border collie, we are programmed to reproduce. Unlike invertebrates and others, we do have the power to reason and on occasion we actually employ this gift. Unfortunately, the occasions are not nearly frequent enough.

We also have the capability to provide antiretroviral drugs at affordable costs. Unfortunately, we are a greedy lot and we often lack the willingness to perform this small act of charity.

The problem is this - providing such medicines is NOT an act of charity. It is an act of necessity, not just for the women and men and children infected and at risk, but for all of us who dare to call ourselves human.

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