Monday, April 28, 2008

Cynical Fake "Conferences" Help No One

One of the great advantages of being in office is that you can swing just about any cat over your head and get attention.

Witness the latest pathetic PR exercise coming from the Nutty Mayor.

The Sun and Province are both reporting about the "conference" that will begin tonight at the Vancouver Playhouse (How appropriate! Where's Tennessee Williams when you really need him?) and continue the next day at the Wosk Centre for Dialogue.

The "conference" alleges to be about homelessness, mental illness and addiction.

But look at the given suppositions in their own press release:

This evening forum will aim to:

· Promote an understanding of the relationship between mental illness, addiction and homelessness
· Acknowledge that no one person or group, alone, can provide a solution
· Recognize the breadth of the problem as being beyond Vancouver, BC and Canada

Please RSVP by April 16 to Collaboration for Change by email at:

What is the political implication of the line that I highlighted?

Note also the email address. This initiative is entirely created and managed by Pace Group, a PR company.

Because they have a deep and profound understanding and concern about these issues. Right.

Note also the participants. All the usual suspects.

These are all the invested parties that have been at these tables from the beginning and done such a wonderful job to date. With the help of these wise people the problems of homelessness, mental illness and addictions have never been greater.

This is a cynical vote-begging atrocity.

Avoid it. Placard it. See it for what it is.


Anonymous said...

This is nothing more than another formalized abdication of responsibility.

Since the problem is beyond Vancouver, BC and Canada, it's not really up to them to deal with the massive mess here (even if it is much worse than almost anywhere else).

And they can't take responsibility for it, because "no one can"!

It IS an atrocity. And a recipe for failure and hopelessness.

Anonymous said...

Another conference!! Yippee!
I think anybody with half a brain can tell that there is a relationship between addiction,mental illness and homelessness.
But then again, do politicians even have half a brain?
What they do have is the ability to spend tax dollars telling us that they can't do anything.
And it keeps getting worse and worse.
Only in Vancouver can we have people living in Third World conditions that could actually be dealt with.
Vancouver's problems are in general not to due with systemic poverty, food and water shortages etc.
they are due to untreated illnesses. Mental illness and addiction.

Anonymous said...

David, this "Conference" is pure, unmitigated RUBBISH. Nothing more........ nothing less. Wait for the next "Conference" in a neighbourhood near you, ad nauseum.

David in North Burnaby BC said...

Activity in place of accomplishment, the bureaucrats' solution to every woe. Which of course, suits the rest of the poverty/despair industry wonderfully. And the beat goes on ....
I wonder what the muffin costs will be on this one?