Tuesday, April 29, 2008

News Deficit

I must read The Economist more often.

And you must read the April 19-25 edition.

The cover story is "The Silent Tsunami, The food crisis and how to solve it."

This is a most extensive coverage.

It includes tiny gems, like this: "A billion people live on a dollar a day." "Since the way to feed the world is not to bring more land under cultivation, but to increase yields, science is crucial."

That's particulary interesting considering how much Bush has cut away at science grants.

Did you know that Egypt's president ordered the army to start baking bread? That the Philippines has made hoarding rice punishable by life imprisonment?

I feel like I am suffering from an information deficit.

For relief, read http://www.economist.com

And follow the Scandinavian ideal - Eat Less, Chew More.

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