Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pharma Lack O' Care

One of my favorite targets for scorn rmeains the gigantic pharmaceutical industry.

Armaments, BigPharma, illegal drugs and oil - there are your Big Four World Industries.

One of the biggest and most immoral of the BigPharmas is Merck.

Today it was revealed in stories published in both the Vancouver Sun and the NY Times, among others, that Merck has been ghost-writing reports and studies on their products and paying doctors to sign their names to these "testimonials."

The case of Vioxx is particularly troubling as it resulted in many deaths, before the poison was removed from the shelves.

How innocent has Merck been in all of this?

Well, for some mysterious reason they have seen fit to pay out $4.5 BILLION in compensations to victims of their malfeasance. No doubt with non-disclosure clauses.

Read the NY Times coverage here.

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