Friday, May 2, 2008

Canada Immigration is a disaster

Vancouver lawyer, Richard Kurland, is absolutely right to raise holy hell about the backlog of cases and the government failure to fill vacancies on the Immigration & Refugee Board.

But he has barely scratched the surface.

Last week, a government official told me that Canadian Immigration currently has a backlog of EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND cases!

I learned this because one of my dearest friends has been waiting almost two years for any action whatsoever on his file. He is trying to bring his partner here.


You are separated from your spouse for over 2 years, while trying to establish yourself in a new country and new culture, and there is no resolution because the issue sits dormant in a desk drawer somewhere.

Isn't it time to admit that so many of our government agencies and offices are pathetic in their stupidities and inefficiencies? Canada Immigration, National Parole, Corrections Canada...and those are just the beginning.


Robert W. said...

And yet ... and yet ... we have large groups of Canadians who condemn everything to do with the private sector and insist that everything should be run by the "hard working" folks in the public sector. The gov't must truly be adding a drug to the water supply that amplifies feelings of delusion!

Imagine if FedEx was run like this - they'd be out of business in a month!!

MurdocK said...

While I am not advocating the wholesale take over of major govenment functions like courts or military, I do think it is time to add the phrase "accountability" into the government workers job description and supervisors requirements.

So far there seems to be no-one accountable for the total screw-ups in the corrections canada debacle, which would lead one to believe that this department at least is a train wreck in progress with literally no-one even asleep at the switch...they got off at the last station!