Wednesday, July 2, 2008

NIMBYISM at its Worst

Turning Point Recovery Society has had to abandon its plans for another facility in Richmond to help addicts. The Society has been quietly and effectively doing its job for 25 years.

We can expect ignorance and fear mongering from neighbours. That's a given.

But where has Richmond City Council been through all of this? Where is their vision and courage?

I'll tell you where.

It's been in the laminated wood panels on the roof of the Olympic Skating Oval, an ego project never discussed with the citizens.

Do they actually think that they have no addicts in their jurisdiction?

Do they actually think?

A classic case of fiddling while Rome burns.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

David this is really something the people of Richmond need to look at . . . those that bother to look at things other than the price tags in our ever full malls.
It's embarrassing to us all . . . but especially us Richmond residents who are just unloved and not listened to.
You can't talk to anyone at City Hall that was elected. They are too busy spending money and carrying all kids of projects no one wants and actually oppose.
And the no home for Turning Point is disgraceful! The City should be so happy that they want to operate here at all. We have lots of addicts, gangs, grow ops, labs, whore houses etc, etc, etc.
What do you do?