Tuesday, February 10, 2009


In another stroke of genius and high civic responsibility, W. Opaque, continuing his masquerade as the Attorney-General, has put the blame for gang violence sharply on the shoulders of thee and me.

Apparently, according to Mr. Daily Quote, we are not reporting enough crime and we are not telling everything we really know.

And, besides, what me worry?

According to Mr. I've Got an Answer for Everything, the statistics compiled by some academics in eastern Canada reveal that we actually live in a crime-free Eden.

Each new day, W.O. brings new sunshine to cut through the gloom and flurries.

Excuse me, while I don my flak jacket to head over to the IGA for some lettuce.

Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll also find some RHUBARB!


NRF said...

... What me worry, I gots a government pension

No, no, no. I gots me two government pensions. One for da judgin' and one for the AGin'.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Wally's rosy worldview is in any way related to that of the company he keeps--some of the city's highest flying defence lawyers are his party buddies. Wally always did buy into that light sentencing stuff while he was on the bench. Lots of misunderstood 'yout' out there--and their equally misunderstood parents. Oh, I kill myself, I am so funny...

At any rate, it appears WallyWorld has closed for the time being as the Premier was front and centre on this file today.

Anonymous said...

David, I see that A.G. Ofal has been sent to the bench. Gordo's handlers have obviously informed him that the Honourable Mr. Ofal is a liability going into the May Election. Gordo said in the House today, that "addressing this Gang Issue will take time"! Take time??? Er, weren't you at the helm for the last EIGHT years Mr. Premier? Talk about a big voice in an empty drum! It all about politices David, and the thugs are having a good chuckle.........
Good luck with your rhubarb David!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to Post twice David, but here is a little levity for your Readers. Campbell declared in the house, “gangs in British Columbia should know this: If you're here, we're coming after you, and you're not acceptable in our neighbourhoods, in our communities, anywhere in our province." Just picture him and Wall-eye hiding in an IGA Parking Lot...........