Tuesday, December 15, 2009

For What?

I suppose with all the bad economic turns in the journalism game not many reporters are flying these days.

How else to explain the "news" that senators and MP's fly business class a lot?

I routinely file past government freeloaders with their heavy black legal cases on the empty leather seat beside them as I head to the back of the plane for my apple box and cookie.

The good news is that I can usually find a chiropractor wherever I'm going to help scrunch the flight out of my bones.

On the other hand...

What is really news - and we have to ask why isn't it on the front page? - is that the Senate has quietly voted itself another travel perk.

Free international flights!

Liberal senator Lillian Dyck (write your own jokes, please) went to China last month on your money to visit her family's ancestral home.

I am feeling warm and cozy for her.

Now get this.

MPs and senators alike are each allotted 64 travel points a year, each point representing one free round-trip flight. They're allowed to use up to four points to visit Washington, but the rest are to be used strictly within Canada.

That would mean that Larry Campbell can fly free 64 times across the dominion.

Free, as in you pay for his privilege.

The senate should not be elected.

It should be closed down.


Anonymous said...

These elites who are entitled to their entitlements have no shame. When traveling to Germany at Christmas military flights were filled with Senators and MPs PLUS THEIR FAMILIES for the London shopping bargains between Christmas and New Year. Many a military family wives and children were left in the cold and dingy little military hotel in Trenton to wait and wait and wait for their flight to Lahr. Planes leaving London to Lahr travelled almost empty as were the return flights in the first weeks of January. These guys and families had priority and 'bumped' everyone for their seats. About 1980 the military 707s started to look like they had the pink measles with thousands of rivets needing replacement. Solution? Taxpayer paid shopping trips for all because the 707s just might crash. I wonder how it took so long for them to figure this out? Now the poor poor fools can save their air miles for flights to the tropics.

Anonymous said...

Why keep the Senate? Let it go broke.