Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Loco News

1. The Provincial government has finalized a deal with Paragon Gaming of Las Vegas to build a major hotel and entertainment complex with a casino attached to BC Place.

Because this is provincial land, the City has no say over anything about the project.

Nice way to run a shop.

2. Two years ago, a man in Merritt killed his three children.

Allan Schoenborn was found not criminally responsible because he was in a "psychotic state."

He is in custody.

So far so good.

But now a panel of geniuses will study the psychiatric reports to decide whether he should remain in custody or released under some form of supervision.

Why don't they consult with the good doctor who has seen all that progress in the mental health of Mr. Li who chopped off a fellow bus rider's head because it was Wednesday or he had a bothersome pebble in his shoe?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

David , you keep tossing these whack jobs into the mix. Bus rider and the man from Merrit.

Both of these men will soon be rehabilitated. The man from Merrit should find employment as a school yard monitor. The other fellow can get a job driving the school bus.

If anything ever goes wrong then the shrinks that set them free can take over those two job vacancies.