Saturday, April 23, 2011


The story in today's Sun about Ujjal Dosanjh filing a complaint over the Khalsa School's endorsement of a Conservative candidate is a microcosm of the corruption and injustice that dominates public life in Canada today.

The school is a registered charity and it receives almost $8 Million a year from the BC government.

The founder of the school is Ripudaman Singh Malik (pictured herein), the man acquitted in the Air India bombing.

He may have been acquitted, but that was not a finding with which most people I know agree.

It is near impossible to work through the layers of evil that are woven into the background of this nightmare without being called a racist.

Dosanjh, who was viciously beaten many years ago in his long public opposition to Sikh terrorist groups, is to be applauded for standing up once again to yet another small perversion of Canada's political system, laws and culture.


Anonymous said...

The sooner that we learn our place in Canada the better off we will be. If your not Sikh your worthless. These people come from a country that thrives on corruption bribery etc. We must learn to accept their customs and quit trying to fix their problems with our value systems. Oh Kalistan we stand on guard for thee.

David in North Burnaby BC said...

"It is near impossible to work through the layers of evil that are woven into the background of this nightmare without being called a racist."

Yes, the politics of shut up, where "racist" is the new "heretic".
Outstanding post, Sir David.