Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Bad Behaviour - The Political Norm

Is there such a thing as "respect" in American political life?

The current "debate" about Elizabeth and John Edwards run for the White House would suggest not.

Mrs. Edwards has cancer.

Mr. Edwards is continuing his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination. Mrs. Edwards is working at his side.

This has brought a huge wave of support from millions of Americans, including thousands of cancer survivors, who applaud Mrs. Edwards courage.

It has also brought a tsunami of hateful attacks from the likes of Rush Limbaugh.
Mrs. Edwards has been accused of abandoning her children, among other apparent sins.

These attacks are nothing more than anti-feminism and anti-woman. And they are orchestrated by Republicans and people who call themselves Christians.
Every cancer doctor in the world can tell you that there are 2 basic reactions to the disease. There are those who essentially curl up and die, and there are those who say, "I love life and I will carry on and do my best." The second group live longer and better.

Shame on the political opportunists and the hating, self-hating garbage men with too much time and money on their hands. Better to do good than to do lots.

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