Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Everything is Show Biz

Many of you are already persuaded that religion is show business. Certainly there is considerable evidence for that argument. "Elmer Gantry" and "Jesus Christ Superstar" are two of my favorite amusements and they certainly support this notion.

Even so, I like my religion straight, not stirred. If I'm going to service give me an old-fashioned Orthodox Synagogue or the full shpiel Latin Catholic Mass. That has nothing to do with any set of beliefs; only with what I am comfortable and familiar.

Thus, with some sadness and world-weary disgust, do I read the NewsGeek, of all the irrelevant publications on Earth, has come up with a feature called, "The Top 50 Rabbis in America."

Does somebody still read Slime and Newsgeek? Have they run out of comics?

Of course, THE LIST was contrived by 3 show biz executives. Of course, everyone is taking this very seriously and tooting their shofars that their rabbi is high on the list.

What is this - American Idol Rebe?

My 2 favorite rabbis here in town are very different men, one from the other, but they share similar qualities. They are both brilliant intellectually with stunningly fast minds and endless reserves of knowledge and understanding. They are both great teachers. And most importantly, they are both living embodiments of human kindness.

If you told them they were on such a spurious "list," they would both change the subject.

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