Monday, December 3, 2007

Carole - Just Do It!

Of course, Carole Taylor would run - and win handily - as an independent candidate for City Mayor.

First, she would have to do that because of the incredible botch-up by the NPA. Almost every one of the NPA movers and shakers with whom I have spoken in recent months detest - yes, that's right, detest - Mr. Sullivan.
Like so many Vancouverites, they saw quickly through The Nutty One's sham presentation to his selfish core. They have found him to be an embarrassment and, as we say in Shakespeare, they wish him gone.

But being Back Room Boys, slithering amongst the shadows of the Mahogany Tables and Leather Divans, they lack the fibre to simply tell the poor fella to move on.

"Hey Sam, you've had fun and your day in the sun, now quietly go somewhere and make some money and let us find a real Mayor who actually knows how to work with people and accomplish real things for a real city."

No. That conversation is not going to happen, although this is the stuff the NPA Movers and Shakers dream of in their restless sleep.

Second, she will have no trouble distancing herself from His Pettiness and doing so gracefully.

Miro Cernetig tells us this morning that "For weeks, Taylor has avoided the mayor's entreaties for a meeting."

What's so surprising about that?

His own staff won't meet with him.

The mayor calls a meeting and key players refuse to show.


Because they know - and by now, you and I and all of Retro Vancouver knows - that the mayor is doctrinaire, frozen and incapable of communication and conciliation. He gets something passing for an idea in his head and there it sits, never to be lodged or even gently nudged to the right or left by any reasonable argument or consideration.

The wheelchair long ago lost its emotive power.

At a wedding last summer, a total stranger, a very, very, very successful realtor turned to me over dinner and said apropos of absolutely nothing, "I think Sam Sullivan is evil!" The table applauded.

At a fundraiser lunch at a swanky hotel last month, a total stranger, a very successful banker, turned to me as Sam was about to make another fatuous speech and said, "When this guy was first elected, I thought we could be proud as a city because we chose a guy in a wheelchair. But pretty soon I saw how self-involved he was and how it's All About Sam. He's useless."

The real tragedy here is that Sullivan is the head of the worst council in living memory.

If Carole Taylor were to mount a campaign called The New Slate and fill it with real candidates - people with some idea of how government works and what the city needs to get busy doing - she and they would win hands down and clean house entirely.

The NPA, Vision and Cope have all had their day and it is costing us mightily.

How much we ache for real councillors with smarts and knowledge and wit.

The Boob Show must go.


Anonymous said...

So David, are you going to be a real councilor with smarts and knowledge and wit?

Anonymous said...

It's clear Sullivan is using his position as mayor as a platform for self promotion.

If you can stomach it, have a read of this September 2007 article written by Greg Bishop, Seattle Times Staff Reporter. In it Sullivan likens the idea of substitution drugs for addicts to use of the nicotine patch.

Sullivan's romantic vision of his life is sick-making.

Lucky for Vancouver that Sullivan does not have the same powers and control that the Chinese have in completely demolishing old Beijing in preparation for the 2008 Olympics. Who knows what we'd be in for with his penchant for megalomania.


Robert W. said...

I was at a birthday party last night and the topic of how Vancouver's being run (or not being run) came up. Everyone there agreed with everything you've said here, David. Bravo!

MurdocK said...

Keep saying it David.

Say it loud and in public, preferably at functions where Q&A are permitted and ask him bluntly.

Do not use names or other trite things, but blunt hard-edged questions, ideally where there are a lot of TV cameras pointed at him.

At least then more might see him squirm and weasel his way out from under the bright lights and back to his rock...the man is a paracite, his entire focus is set in paracitic designs.

Anonymous said...

Good expose of Sam's peculiar fund raising on Nov. 29--hiding NPA contributions. This man seems to be ill but as a psychologist I cannot sort out all the symptoms to come up with a diagnosis. Cheers.

Robert W. said...


Do you think there's any coincidence that the business day after Carole Taylor announces that she may be available to run for mayor, all this dirt comes out on Sullivan?

I am NOT saying that her or her people have brought it forward, for I'm convinced it's those on the far left. And frankly I don't mind because, like so many others, I want Sullivan gone.

But because of some pressure they're applying on some others to speak out about this, I have to wonder what the second stage in their plan is?!?


RossK said...

Mister B--

Another thing to consider re: an NPA BagmanFree mayoral campaign from Ms. Taylor, is the fact that her husband Art was a TEAM player from the get-go.


