Monday, April 7, 2008

Let's get Civil

I was out of town and missed the wisdom of the sages, like Mike Harcourt, on what constitutes a civil society.

But I can tell you this:

First, I was disappointed to see the Sun's choice of commentators/editors - The Usual Suspects.

Second, as I see so much of the Rudely Uncivil Society on a daily basis, I hold out not much optimism for healthy, positive change.

Yesterday, I was walking across a pedestrian crosswalk in the parking garage at YVR. I young kid was parked firmly in the middle of the crosswalk, with miles of empty concrete where he could park legally and without getting in any one's way.

When I pointed this out to him ("Please move off this crosswalk."), he started shouting hysterically at me, "I'M SORRY!!!"

Earlier in the day, I was at a family celebration in a downtown hotel. I smiled at one of the other guests. She glared at me.

The civil society has not only a long way to go; it has an almost impossibly long way to go.


Anonymous said...

I live in North Vancouver City, and I find the place to be quite civil.
When I rarely travel to Vancouver, it's like visiting another country!

David in North Burnaby BC said...

I was standing in line in a convenience store behind a teenager some time back.
"I want a coke slurpie", quoth he to the long-suffering clerk.
Me being me, I stage whisper "Please".
He turns to me, and as if explaining to someone from another planet, says, "I'm paying for it."
Who raises these people?

Anonymous said...

David,count your blessings!You're not living in T.O. Remember a few weeks ago a passenger on the T.O transit greeted a fellow rider and got hit in the chops for it...,you only got a scowl. Thank heaven for small mercies?