Monday, April 7, 2008

When Immigration gets it Wrong, They really get it Wrong

Now we have a 23-year old Rwandan refugee claimant who has been a public menace since he arrived here at the age of 14.

Last week he terrorized a mother and her daughter and all for $15.

He should have been deported ages ago, but for sexual assault charges that are still standing and must be dealt with.

Send this dreadful excuse for a human being back to his village.

1 comment:

David in North Burnaby BC said...

"Send this dreadful excuse for a human being back to his village."

Careful Sir David, the Dreadful Excuses for Human Beings Association du Canerduh might have you up in front of a "Human Rights" Commissar over that sort of statement.
Remember, under Saint Pierre's Divine Charter, Dreadful Excuses have every right to live in freedom here too.
Everybody's beautiful in their own way, Sir David, let's never forget that.
Why don't we all sing the song to remind ourselves? Hit it, Ray ...