Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Let's Hold the System to its own, useless Standards

When parents have to go to court and sue the government du jour for medical help, you know something is fundamentally wrong.

I chose the word, "fundamentally" for a reason.

The current benchmark for determining the eligibility of a child with certain mental or psychological disabilities for government support is the child's IQ.

Think about that.

Whether or not your child can be cared for has been encased in some bureaucratic rule book to be decided by NUMBERS.

But this is not about numbers, including the obvious numbers of cost.

As long as governments continue to disrespect their employees and hold no trust in the ability of case workers to make reasonable judgments, we will all be bound by "The Manual."

The particular code book in this case is called, ironically enough, Community Living British Columbia. Nice moniker. Too bad it doesn't know how to run its own affairs.

The dreadful minister in charge, Tim Christensen, opines that "more work needs to be done."

What the fool means by this, of course, is that they need to find a better encoding or better rule book methodology, when, in fact, what is needed is exactly the opposite. The system starts from exactly the wrong place.

Hire knowledgeable, skilled workers and let then make responsible decisions.

Under the current system, you could simply answer a web test.

"My child has an IQ over/under 70."

What's the IQ cut-off for Ministers?

1 comment:

David in North Burnaby BC said...

"What's the IQ cut-off for Ministers?"

One fundamental problem is that the canerdian system we're currently stuck with here in BC deliberately selects for ministers who have no experience or expertise in the fields involved. In this case, what background expertise does Tim Christensen have that qualifies him to know anything about the system but what the bureaucrats tell him?
Its ridiculous, of course ministers are clueless cyphers at the mercy of their departments, that's the way its supposed to be.