Saturday, July 5, 2008


As soon as I hear a group spouting "family values," I put on my flak jacket.

I learned long ago to translate "family values" into gay-hating.

One rarely hears from such enlightened souls a word about having dinner every night with your children or modelling behaviour that is righteous or any other helpful guidance about maintaining a healthy family.


What such groups head swiftly towards is their trashing of gays and lesbians. This is an ancient technique called "bait and switch."

The American Family Association (AFA) has begun a boycott against McDonald's because the burger giant had the gall and temerity to join the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.

This action is so rife with ironies and comedy potential one scarcely knows where to begin.

A McDonald's spokesman says, "Hatred has no place in our culture. That includes McDonald's and we stand by and support our people to live and work in a society free of discrimination and harassment."


Recently, the AFA ended its 2-year boycott of Ford after Ford stopped advertising Volvo, Jag and Land Rover in gay media.

That's attractive.

Of course, the AFA and all the other gay-bashing "Family" associations and groups have a right to their noxious opinions. As do I. As do you.

The AFA as been fighting Walt Disney Co. for its "embrace of the homosexual lifestyle."


Maybe I missed this. Has Mickey been trying on Minnie's red shoes when she's out shopping?

I await the day these tiny minds actually begin promoting families and stop their relentless campaigns of hatred towards people who just happen to not be like them.

Remember, folks. The people who hate you because you are gay, will hate you because you are red-headed or Oriental or monkfish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you think any of the members of the AFA will read my blog and answer the questions. I don't think they have what it takes to open up on a public blog and answer these questions.