Saturday, July 5, 2008

Picture Me

Always the studied self-portraitist, Sam Sullivan is now presented himself as a stoic believer in Christianity and materialism.

Or so Douglas Todd would have us believe.

Of course, Douglas Todd is very big on belief and would have us believe many things, especially Christianity.

But, I'm a Jew, Doug. Is that OK?

For a much more accurate picture of the defeated mayor, read Allan Garr's column in yesterday's Courier.


Anonymous said...

I'm an athiest, but I thank God that Sam will no longer be the mayor of Vancouver come November!

However, my prayers for Councilman David Berner are yet to be answered.

David Berner said...


Robert W. said...

Just read Garr's column, David. Sam Sullivan, which was covered in Part 1, will be as consequential & important to this city as the chafer beetles, which was covered in Part 2.

In the software biz (which I know a little about!) it's often said that a mediocre product with great marketing will far outsell a good or great product with poor marketing. For awhile. But eventually people catch on that they're being hoodwinked.

The same is the case with Sam Sullivan. Let's be honest. He was ONLY elected because people, including yours truly, were dreadfully scared of Jim Green. David, you could have taken off your left sock and ran it as the NPA mayoral candidate and it would have likely been voted for over Jim Green as well.

Sullivan was given a longer grace period than most and kid gloves were used by many in dealing with him because of his disability. But eventually his strange pronouncements and hyperinflated self-aggrandization became too much for all but his most loyal supporters.

I sincerely wish him the very best in the future but let's hope he finds a job that doesn't violate the Peter Principle.