Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Iran is testing missiles today.

Nothing could be more frightening.

See the BBC News coverage with video here.

This is country where 3 year old children can tell you with assurance that Jews are rats and that they should be killed. They know this because the Koran told them so.

This is country where men can tell you with assurance that if their own mothers or sisters committed adultery they would happily slit their throats.

Try sitting through this:


Robert W. said...

And yet, David, I wonder what the results would be if Canadians were given the following poll:

Q: Which two countries do you believe are the biggest threat to world peace?

1. China
2. Syria
3. Iran
4. United States
5. Israel
6. China
7. Russia
8. Other

Why do I think that the vast majority of Canadians would choose #4 & #5 ???

Clearly our propagandist friends on the extreme left (ie. the CBC et al) have done their job well.

Brenton said...

A significant portion of Iran's population is very modern and moderate. Doug Saunders wrote a great feature in the Globe and Mail a while ago on the difficulties faced by this population and the tension between the various political and religious factions vying for power.

Try these, though I don't have access to the full articles so I don't know which article fits my description:
Making Movies under the Mullahs
Why is Iran revisiting the Kazemi atrocity

Anonymous said...

Nothing could be more frightening?
Three-year-old children?
Danish cartoons?

There's nothing left to do but follow in the footsteps of Bozo the Clown. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Nothing could be more frightening?
Three-year-old children?
Danish cartoons?

There's nothing left to do but follow in the footsteps of Bozo the Clown. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

We are next.