Saturday, March 22, 2008

More Waikiki Thoughts - This from RCMP John Buis

I liked the blog you put up yesterday regarding the comparisons between Honolulu and Vancouver. Kellie and I have been in Honolulu (Waikiki) since Sunday evening and will be here for a total of two weeks. We have definitely noticed a big differences here with Vancouver particularly with the few street people we have seen (they do not not harass the visitors) and the reduced \"fear of crime\" when walking the streets during the day or night.Without more information I cannot give you specific reasons why Waikiki appears safer than Vancouver, however, I do know there is a a large military presence in Waikiki at Fort DeRussey There are three hotels for military personnel and their families on leave with uniformed armed military Shore Patrol present in and around the hotels. There is also a very noticeable police presence in Waikiki with many marked police cars and bicycle patrols on the streets. The police station on the beach in the heart of the hotel district provides visitors place to talk to the police if necessary and deters/keeps the street people off the beach and away from the tourists.I am sure there is more to it than these obvious signs but it would be interesting to find out more about court sentencing statistics and alcohol and drug recovery programs and if any exist. I am going to go back to the pool for a while and try not to think about crime reduction until I return to my office on April 1, 2008

1 comment:

Robert W. said...

Msg to John Buis:

I know the precise police station you're referring to. If possible, you should introduce yourself as an RCMP officer and see if they'd be willing to discuss what over and subtle things they do to completely change the tone of life there ... for the better I might add!!!