Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Child Care is Our Darkest Shame - But, hey, have another latte...

Following on my recent postings and Province editorial about Child Care in BC...

Today, BC's Auditor-General, John Doyle, released a scathing report of exactly this subject. He says the government has no idea how anybody in their care is doing.

According to Doyle's report, more than half the children in care are aboriginal, the government has no idea which programs that they pay for are working and which are not, which services are needed, how many social or other workers are necessary and so on.

Of course, the absolute fool, Tim Christensen, who has been the Minister of this Disaster, for far too long, quickly defended his efforts.

Resign Tim. You're not cutting it. Children are suffering while you dither.

At the same time, the Federal Auditor-General, Sheila Fraser pointed out that children living on reserves are eight times more likely to receive child welfare services than those not on reserves.

Why do we as a nation continue to allow this monstrosity to exist?

Why do the first nations people allow their own children to suffer so badly?

No doubt I am a racist or something worse for asking these dreadful questions.

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