Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Delgado Knows

Immediately below is yestserday's post about the Maritime Museum.

Today, the Sun quotes former director Jim Delgado extensively on how the City has gone out of its way to destroy the Museum.

Delgado is practically a genius - a diver, a writer, a photographer, a lecturer and a museum curator. He was, simply put, one of the best people in this city for many years. We were lucky to have him.

He fled a few years ago to Texas, to a much better job.

I remember chatting with him on Cypress Street near the Museum one afternoon just before he left. He ran the list of how and why his job had become impossible. The buck stopped entirely at City Hall.

Judy Rogers, the City Manager, says today that she doesn't know why Jim left. She must be deaf, dumb and blind or simply lying.

He left because of her and the City' s entirely neglegtful attitude toward this invaluable resource.

Shame on them all.

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