Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Transclunk to the Rescue

Transclunk is really special, isn't it?

A girl is attacked and robbed at one of Skytrain's wonderful freeloader stations.

Good news. Clunksville has a videotape.

Bad News. Tape gets recycled every two hours. Solly. No footage of crime. No charges. You have back luck, Lady.

But look, more good news.

Clunkerama announces that within a year it will have...wait for equipment that will record for...gasp...7 days!


Every kid in the cafeteria at the school where I work has a wafer sized electronic gadget that can send and receive videos, movies, music and messages from and to the entire universe in nono-seconds wirelessly.

But Clunkkopf will take a year to fix their little problem.

On the next page to this story, the government of Canada has a half-page ad telling us that our safety is their first concern.

Tell it to the girl who was attacked and robbed. Tell it to her family. Tell it to Clunktown.

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