Friday, July 4, 2008

Alex Loves the Carbuncle Tax... NOT!


Dear Gordon:

I know what you’re thinking…here’s Alex again trying to tell me how to do my job…

Well, it seems that you’re having some problems, notwithstanding a twelve point lead in the polls that could easily evaporate by next year, so, I thought, being the generous fellow I am, I’d pitch in and offer some advice. After all, you won’t answer specific questions about your pals Ken Dobell, Pat Kinsella and Mark Jiles; and refuse to address easily answerable questions regarding the Basi-Virk trial; dismiss the very serious problems over at the Ministry of Children and Families and largely disregard the press..

Ergo, let’s give you a hand…

I haven’t had to do this since your temporary insanity over giving away the Musqueam Golf Course, but, more to the point…this Carbon Tax of yours is sheer lunacy.

While China and the United States continue to spew unending streams of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, you, apparently, rather than pushing for real solutions through massive technological advance want, instead, to punish the hardest working British Columbians for the eco-crimes of major world polluters, who hide behind several layers of bureaucrats, and incomprehensible, self-serving rhetoric. It’s similar to the way you have protected larger industrial polluters in this province from environmental accountability.

What you are doing with this ridiculous ‘B.C. Carbon Tax’ is a kin to sending a jaywalker to death row because a given murderer had a magnificent lawyer. Worse yet, it puts you in the company of some of the greatest buffoons and hypocrites in the climate change cauldron of alarmists: Al Gore, Stephane Dion, David Suzuki, Elizabeth May. God help you, Premier!

China, the world’s biggest C02 emitter, builds a coal-burning plant every six days (you should know, BC sells China huge reserves of coal every year) and the Chinese people purchase 20,000 cars per day. The good ‘ole Excited States of Amnesia boasts roughly 5% of the world’s population but consume 30% of the world’s resources. If our entire country adopted the intellectually fraudulent Kyoto Protocol and achieved the fantasy targets, we could only accomplish such a miracle by shutting down every plane, train, automobile, home and office building—for seven years straight, and even then our contribution to reducing global C02 levels would be negligible.

I was astonished to read those nuggets of wisdom two years ago. You might know the columnist. His name is Michael Campbell (he’s always been one of my favorites, but don’t tell anybody).

Forget that crude prices are nudging $150 per barrel, ignore that we are looking as if we will become bridesmaid to America’s-Next-Top-Economic-Crisis, why the hell would you burden the working stiff in this province with yet another tax? We’re taxed to death in this country, having you pile on and mind-numbingly declare revenue neutrality, is, for lack of a better word, nuts. The $100 you sent me went into my gas tank—thanks by the way…would you like to bet that’s the way it was for a majority of BCers?

Up-province, they are already paying as much as 20% more in energy costs than those in the Lower Mainland and travel twice as far to get to work. What do you say, Gord, to the carpenter from Revelstoke, with a wife working a double-shift at a local diner, both of whom pay into a mortgage and car payments, and still find time to raise three kids? They’re lucky to meet each other once a day for half an hour on the downside of a marriage doomed. Believe me, they don’t need the additional hit at the pump, even if it cumulatively amounts to ‘only’ four bags of groceries per year.

But do you remember them?

These are the people that you promised to protect…and those few little words ‘BC Carbon Tax’ keep them awake at night almost as much as the next three words keep me awake at night…


I bet you’re sleeping just fine though Gord…

For now…


Anonymous said...

Bravo for Alex! Very well thought out, and in my estimation, totally accurate. Will it make Gordo stop and reflect? Doubt it. Will he in fact ever see it? Doubt it. Will one of his fart catchers add it to the overflowing waste basket? Probably. I sent Gordo an email regarding this nonsense, and pointed out that while he may be getting professional advice, from his advisors, he is getting bad advice. Sent the same to EACH of the Liberal MLA's. Received TWO replys. Not a bad average eh? Cheers, Gary.

Anonymous said...

The average human breathes out about 325kg of carbon dioxide yearly.
6.5 billion humans in this world emit over 2.1 giga tonnes per year, which is about three times the total emissions of Canada.

Anonymous said...

Another Bravo! for Alex...and, talking of Michael vis a vis the possibility of Premier Carole James...

One of Michael's oft-repeated axioms is that, "In good times, people should pay off their debts so that they can better weather the downturns."

So what do the Campbell Liberals do? After falsely claiming that the NDP had not balanced its final budget (BC's Auditor-General said otherwise), after figuratively giving the Trudeau finger to the 2-member Official Opposition, and after pocketing the $800-million in transfer payments left behind by the NDP, they promptly slapped more than $1 billion on the tab, in the name of "giving" us a tax rebate.

Since then, the provincial debt has been upped on a regular basis -easier to balance their cheque-book when you buy your stuff on credit.

Were it not for the wisely-departing Carole Taylor, and were it not for the fact that, until recently, the economic outlook was generally positive (without any help from BC's newly-minted paper economy), it's unlikely Gordon C. would have, or could have, made a payment on the outstanding bills.

Now we come to Premier Carole... does she really want the job for her Party - want it, that is, just at the point that the Canadian economy is moving naturally toward a cyclical downturn - aided and abetted by Bush-land South of the 49th?

Can you hear El Gordo's rant from the Opposition benches already?...

"We created Heaven, the Heartland and the Best Place on Earth and the NDP are destroying it all!" No word of BC Rail; no word about the pile-on debt; no word about bankrupting small businesses on Cambie, or organic blueberry farms in Pitt Meadows. No word about ignoring the Pine Beetle and 25,000lost forestry jobs. No word about Families and Children; no word about closing mental health and long-term care beds; no word about giving away BC Hydro/BC Gas; no word about taking land out of the ALR, or turning forest tenures into real estate developments; no word about email-shredding lobbyists; no word about... your turn, Alex - I'm tired...

The BC Liberals appear never to have heard the adage: "The true measure of a community can be taken by the way in which it treats its most vulnerable citizens."

By that measure, history may well judge the 2001-2009 regime to be the very worst British Columbia has ever endured.

Years ago, Michael Campbell was asked to stand for office - more than once. His reply? Something to the effect: "Never. I detest politics."

Liz J.

Grumpy said...

How the hell this wonderful province has come under the sway of such inept politicians. NDP/Liberal, they are all one and the same - stupid, stupid, stupid.

The Glen Clark NDP squandered about $400 million on the fast ferries, which the present lot sold under, I repeat under scrap value!

Not to be outdone, Gordo and his pet Falcon took RAV Canada Line from about $1.3 BILLION TO NOW OVER $2.4 BILLION - $1.1 billion over the original Dobel/Bird (droppings) estimates.

The only difference, not a peep from CanWest Global/Asper Empire, nor CORUS.

The race is now on to see who - NDP or Liberal will bankrupt us first!

nachtwache said...

It's so frustrating!! Only two parties to choose from that have a chance at winning, I've never voted NDP, they don't have enough common sense nor a grip on reality, but I sure don't want to vote for these liberal snobs, that totally disregard the average people whose votes can toss them out of office. I might just have to hold my nose and vote NDP or resign myself and use my vote for one of the smaller parties.