Sunday, October 5, 2008

Revenue Neutral? No such.

Here's something that nobody has mentioned yet.

If Gordon Campbell's famous carbon tax is supposed to be famously "revenue-neutral," then what is the cost of administration of close to $2 Billion and the alleged tax cuts that are alleged to offset it?

This is like the old idiocy of Victoria or Ottawa spending nine dollars to send you a $1.35 refund on something.

Why should we spend millions on the paper work to bring in money that will be returned in some other way?

Is there aything about this hair-brained scheme that isn't patently smoke?


Anonymous said...

BC Bud rules! 8.6 billions in revenues. There's smoke everywhere. Sometimes it gets in one's eyes.

Anonymous said...

I have received another $50 in my savings account from the BC government, and I assume it has something to do with the Climate Action Dividend.
Robbing Peter to pay Paul.
-or Keith in this case.

David in North Burnaby BC said...

"Is there aything about this hair-brained scheme that isn't patently smoke?"

Imho, the part that's mirrors.